Marshalling yard with stokehold

Novi Sad,



Railway colony, Novi Sad

21000, Bačka, Serbia

Cartographic data:

At the beginning of the 20th century, the first railway station in Novi Sad became overburdened due to a constant increase in passenger and freight rail traffic.  It was no longer possible to efficiently organize mixed passenger and freight traffic nor host numerous locomotives and freight wagons. Consequently, it was decided to move the freight train station and warehouses in the western part of the city. The project of the marshaling yard was approved in 1915. The Ministry of War in Vienna and the City of Novi Sad concluded the contract for the marshaling yard construction in 1916. Then, in 1918, the expropriation of land began. The project of the stokehold with depots dates back to 1924.

The most interesting building of the complex, architectonically speaking, is the stokehold, a centrally located building with a semi-circular plan. The building was progressively flanked over the years by different facilities necessary to ensure the efficient functioning of the marshaling yard.

The stokehold is characterized by a functional scheme, typical for this kind of railway facility built at the beginning of the 20th century across Europe. Twenty-two railway tracks radially extend from the central point of the internal plateau, where the vehicle guidance mechanism is located, towards the stokehold. Each rail track passes through a two-winged metal gate and, crossing the canal, brings a vehicle into the building. A steel grating roof is the dominant structural assembly of the semi-circular hall interior. Shallow pilasters divide the outer wall surface into 22 segments, each of which contains two large windows. An interesting detail of this simple architecture is a jagged roof cornice made of brick.

When the new railway station became operative in 1964, the shunting station, which was quite far from the old railway station, kept its original purpose because it fits into the new railway network. It still performs the function of a shunting station today.

Historical gallery

1. Marshalling yard, situation plan, Historical archive of the City of Novi Sad, F1 5920
2. Marshalling yard, situation plan, 1915, MÁV Szolgáltató Központ Zrt. Központi Irattár KR. 10058
MÁV Zrt. Központi Irattár KR 10058
3. Marshalling yard, the stokehold, Institute for the Protection of Cultural Monuments of the City of Novi Sad
4. Historical archive of the City of Novi Sad, F1 3699