RAIL4V4+V presentation in Underground Railway Museum EHD, Budapest, 17-18 September 2022

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On December 1, 2022, the project Rail4V4+V officially closed.

The official closing meeting took place in Novi Sad on November 17-18, 2022.

The closing meeting occurred in one of the renovated industrial halls in the Creative District. The official part began with an opening presentation by project manager Anica Draganic (RS). Anica presented the main milestones of the project and the functions of the project website and introduced the book produced as part of the project. She highlighted her own experiences and challenges during the project lifespan. Afterwards, representatives of the consortium members – Károly Teleki (HU), Vladimir Hain (SK), Maciej Madry (PL), and Lukas Beran (CZ) – presented their contribution, introduced the Rail4V4+V sites in each country and their proposals for the continuation of the project.

The event was finished with a film screening and a standing reception for the participants and invited rail and industrial heritage experts.